MPs Withdraw Motion Censuring Gen. Tumwine

Members of Parliament have withdrawn a move to censure motion with the excuse of the low turn up of their colleagues to pen their signatures as the deadline draws closer.

Accusations against Gen Tumwine that led to the censure motion include; arrogance, interfering with the work of Parliamentary Committee that was investigating torture in Safe Houses and stopping the Director of Internal Security Organization (ISO) Brig Col Kaka Bagyenda from appearing before the Committee.

The mover of the Motion Kasambya County MP Gaffa Mbwatekamwa says the 39 signatures that have been collected so far are still few from the 150 needed for the censorship of Gen Tumwine.

He says most MPs pretend to be representing their constituents but in actual sense they are fictitious and hypocrites who don’t care about the plight of their voters who are tortured in the safe houses which is under the Ministry of security.

The motion was unanimously passes by all members of the house but it has turned out that the movers of the motion would not raise the required 150 signatures.

“I have decided to do so after we realized that even if we are given 100 days to collect signatures, we can’t have the 150 people to sign given the fear installed among members and as such this petition can’t see light,” Mbwatekamwa said.

He added that, “I have thus written to the Speaker to withdraw the motion specifying reasons as to why I have taken the decision; I call upon Ugandans to stop trusting those members who act before the cameras including Members of the opposition but have shied away from the noble cause.”

According to Article 118 of the Constitution, Parliament may, by resolution supported by more than half of all members of Parliament, pass a vote of censure against a Minister on the grounds of (a) abuse of office or willful violation of the oath of allegiance or oath of office (b) misconduct or misbehavior; (c) physical or mental incapacity, namely, that he or she is incapable of performing the functions of his or her office by reason of physical or mental incapacity; (d) mismanagement; or (e) incompetence.

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